Sunday, January 17, 2010

When Life gets in the way of blogging

Okay so really it's the other way around but since the holidays are past and we are on the tale end of doing some remodeling and school is back under way I might get a chance to drop in here and post some stuff.
We took the entire month of December off from formal school and while it was really very nice and needed it was a bit too long. I stopped thinking in school terms. Not the worst thing in the world but kind of makes starting up again a bit sluggish. The plan was to start school the first week in January but I realized after returning from my parents house that I hadn't planned the first week out much less the entire term and so I spent the week planning and organizing.
It was worth the effort as this last week (our first in term 2) went by smoothly, not easily just smoothly:)
So far so good but we are already behind in 1 history book ( The Little Duke) so we will be reading a bit from it every day to keep up. I've found that this year I've had to spread our readings out over an hour or so but have to keep rotating books because I can't stay awake while reading in the afternoon much longer than 15 minutes. Such is life with a baby.
I'd like to add in some extra studies this term but it just may not happen, and that's okay too.

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My Little Corner

A place to share home and school, children and family thoughts, ideas and inspirations.